Our philosophy

At Savant Pharm, we know that health is the most valued capital. Our commitment during the last 25 years has been to surpass ourselves, day after day, to provide medicines that allow enjoying an improved quality of life. With a production based on international standards and a Production Plant equipped with the highest technology ensures the quality of our medications.


Provide healthier, better lives through the prevention, relief and cure of illnesses.

Corporate Values


We are committed to overcoming new challenges by giving the best of ourselves.


We choose to evolve sustainably on our path to excellence.


We search for new ways to achieve exceptional results.


We tirelessly pursue excellence for the benefit of all interested parties.

Our products are born here

Production Plant


Based on the strictest international standards, we ensure the excellence of our medicines.


Our infrastructure is built upon the most advance technology in the global pharmaceutical industry.


We work for the sustainable development of the group, the community and the environment.

We actively participate in the creation of a more prosperous and sustainable environment.

ActivaRSE is a program that focuses on health and education by concentrating all the activities that allow us to fulfill the commentment assumed with our patients, community, collaborators, clients and suppliers, generating a triple impact in the economic, social and environemntal fields. We can see that reflected in our Sustainabiilty Reports.


In association with “Junior Achievement” Foundation, we participate in the “Young Entrepreneurs” program where volunteer training is done with students located in El Tío doing their 5th year of secondary school at I.P.E.M. No. 166. “Learn to undertake in the environment” is the program that accompanies students in El Tío from the 6th grade José María Paz school in the making-of of their projects which culminates with the visit to our Production Plant.

We carried out a survey about the educational facilities of El Tío, Córdoba, where all main existing risks were identified. Volunteers and collaborators of our institution worked on the placement of signs, fire extinguishers and security door releases. In this way we contribute to a safer school life.

We talk about oral hygiene with parents and children from the initial level of the “José María Paz” kindergarten, delivering an oral care kit and school kits to different institutions in the area.

Together with the municipal nursery “Rayito de Sol” in El Tío, Córdoba, we plant trees and orchards, we understand that environmental care must be learned in the first years of life.

We conduct trainings with the “Córdoba Mejora” Foundation in school management to principals for a period of two years. We also train teachers in El Tío, Córdoba on first aid, hygiene and safety issues.

Every year together with the Municipality of el Tio, Cordoba, we celebrate the “Month of the Child” where volunteers from our company help organize the celebration. Throughout different meetings you can enjoy recreational activities and educational games between children, families and neighbors.

We do annual internships with students from various educational institutions. The interns choose the area of the company where they will work for a period of three months.

We support the “Global Mentoring” program of the “Voces Vitales” Foundation, dedicated to promoting women’s leadership.

We believe in the transformative value of women’s participation in society.

We organize visits to the Production Plant for nursery students, schools students, various universities and members of our community.

We collaborate through the donation of products to more than 25 local institutions.

Environmental Policy

We are committed to sustainable development seeking economic growth with social responsability and evironmental balance

Energy consumption management

Gestión del consumo energetico Savant Pharm

We have an integrated energy performance control system throughout the plant through instant measurement. The use of LED lighting in all productive areas — in addition to creating savings of 44% — provides excellent light-ergonomic comfort and efficient protection for photosensitive products, since the LED light does not emit in the ultraviolet wavelength.

Pack and thermoretractable films

Embalajes y Packs Savant Pharm

We use heat shrinkable packaging, tight and fully enclosed, excellent presentation for its cleanliness, durability and product display. This optimizes the handling, stowage, palletizing and transportation of products. Shrinkable thermosetting polyethylene (PEHD or HDPE) films are also recyclable and degradable.

Waste management methodology

Gestión de residuos en Savant Pharm

“A treatment method is carried out according to whether they are Recyclable Waste without contaminants and Contaminant Waste.
In the latter case, both solid and liquid, present certificates and manifestos of final disposition with companies specialized in the treatment.”

Ethics code

In order to serve as guidance for inquiries, receive and resolve complaints that may arise from a breach of current policies, we have formulated our Code of Ethics together with the Ethics Committee.
It is the guiding framework for key aspects of our development, expansion and link with our main stakeholders: collaborators, patients, clients, suppliers and community.

In addition, we have the Line of Anonymous Complaints of Protection


In order to expand the portfolio of brands and strengthen its product lines, SAVANT acquired recognized Laboratories and Brands.

Laboratorios Naf S.A. with more than 30 years in the market, leader in dental prevention with great prestige in the professional and academic field with recognized brands such as Fluorogel and Periobacter

Laboratorios Szama S.A. with dermatological specialties has a history of more than 70 years in skin care and brands recognized by health professionals, such as Cistina B6 Szama, Aminocrem, Silicol and Humiderm.

Our talent

We consider our employees a key factor for growth and a fundamental pillar of SAVANT’s sustainability. We promote their development based on our distinctive values: Passion, Growth, Innovation and Performance.


We promote a work environment that permanently promotes the cultural principles that SAVANT is based on and off of which it bases each of its decisions: Attitude, Added Value, Permanent Improvement and Talent & Performance.


Female leadership

22% of collaborators work in leadership positions, a percentage that has been maintained in the last two years.


Between 30 and 50 years

61% of our employees fall within the 30 – 50 year old age group.

Effective collaborators0%

Only 6% corresponds to personnel hired for specific tasks. This percentage has been maintained in recent years, demonstrating our commitment to the quality of employment and the employment relationship.

Special benefits for our collaborators

Insured net salary

SAVANT absorbs the income tax for collaborators outside the agreement in which it applies.

Home Office

100% remote work except collaborators with functions in industrial plant and logistics operator.


21 days of vacation from beginning of employment and special licenses.

Prepaid Medicine

Specific agreements to access coverage: OMINT and OSDE.

Lunch and snack

For collaborators of the Industrial Complex and Logistics Operator.

Flexible hours

Procedure according to the entry and exit bands.

Corporate car

General Management and Commercial Management Positions

Maternity room

For employees of the Industrial Complex

Life insurance

OSDE Binaria that includes extra insurance as required by law, which includes 24 gross salaries. 100% contributors.

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